Cornerstone Projects
Large HCSRN consortium projects and high-profile health-system based research partnerships.

AGING Initiative
PI: Jerry H. Gurwitz, MD of Meyers Primary Care Institute Funding agency: National Institute on Aging (NIA) Year funded: 2014

Cancer Research Network
PI: Lawrence H. Kushi, ScD of Kaiser Permanente Northern California Funding agency: National Cancer Institute Year funded: 1999

Health Systems Node of NIDA's Clinical Trials Network
PIs: Cynthia Campbell, KPNC; Katharine Bradley, KPWA Funding agency: National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) Year funded: 2016

Mental Health Research Network
PI: Gregory Simon, MD, MPH of Group Health Research Institute Funding agency: National Institute of Mental Health Year funded: 2010

NIH Pragmatic Trials Collaboratory
NIH Leadership: NCCIH and NIA Funding agency: NIH (Common Fund) Year funded: 2012

Scalable PArtnering Network
PI: Matthew F. Daley, MD of Kaiser Permanente Colorado Funding agency: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Year funded: 2010

Sentinel Initiative
PI: Richard Platt, MD, MSc of Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute Funding agency: U.S. Food and Drug Administration Year funded: 2009

PI: John F. Steiner, MD, MPH of Kaiser Permanente Colorado Funding agency: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Year funded: 2010

Vaccine Safety Datalink
PI: Frank DeStefano, MD of the CDC Immunization Safety Office Funding agency: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Year funded: 1990