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The HCSRN brings together the research centers from many of the nation’s best and most innovative health care systems. Collectively, the HCSRN represents more than 2,000 scientists and research staff with methodological and content expertise from an array of disciplines such as epidemiology, economics, disparities, outcomes and quality assessment, clinical trials, and genomics.

Our Mission

To improve individual and population health through research that connects the resources and capabilities of learning health care systems for all.

Our Vision

The Health Care Systems Research Network is the nation’s preeminent source of population-based research that measurably improves health and health care for all.


The Health Care Systems Research Network (HCSRN) is led by Executive Director Suzanne Simons. She is responsible for all strategic and operational activities as overseen by the HCSRN Governing Board. The all-volunteer Board operates as a democratic constituency, guided by a set of agreed upon bylaws.

Together, these visionary leaders are helping shape the future of the HCSRN and health systems-based research.

Executive Committee of the Board

Five Board officers make up the HCSRN’s Executive Committee. The Executive Director is on the Executive Committee in an ex officio capacity

  • Michael Horberg, MD, MAS (Chair 2023-2024)
  • Rebecca Rossom, MD, MS (Chair Elect 2023-2024)
  • Tina Davis, PhD, MPH (Member At Large, 2024-2025)
  • Leslie Hinyard, PhD, MSW (Member At Large, 2024-2025)
  • Robert Greenlee, PhD, MPH (Immediate Past Chair, 2023-2024)

    Governing Board Members


    • Amit Acharya, BDS, MS, PhD, FAMIA, Vice Chief Science Officer, Advocate Health, President, Advocate Aurora
    • Tina Davis, PhD, MPH, Investigator, Center for Research and Evaluation, Kaiser Permanente Georgia
    • Mara Epstein, Associate Professor, Division of Health Systems Science at the University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School
    • Steve Fortmann, Senior Director, Science Programs, Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research
    • Laura Garabedian, Assistant Professor, Department of Population Medicine (DPM), Division of Health Policy and Insurance Research (HPI), Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute
    • Robert T. Greenlee, PhD, MPH, Senior Research Scientist, Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Population Health, MCRI, Marshfield Clinic Health System
    • Leslie Hinyard, PhD, MSW, Executive Director, Advanced HEAlth Data (AHEAD) Institute, St. Louis University
    • Stacey Honda, MD, PhD, Medical Director, Center for Integrated Healthcare Research, Kaiser Permanente Hawaii
    • Michael A. Horberg, MD, MAS, Associate Medical Director, KP Mid-Atlantic Permanente Medical Group, Executive Director, Mid-Atlantic Permanente Research Institute, Mid-Atlantic Permanente Medical Group
    • J.B. Jones, PhD, MBA, Executive Director, Center for Health Systems Research, Sutter Health
    • Rita Mangione-Smith, MD, MPH, Vice President for Research & Health Care Innovation, Kaiser Permanente Washington, Executive Director, KP Washington Health Research Institute, Kaiser Permanente Washington
    • Christine Neslund-Dudas, PhD, Associate Research Scientist, Henry Ford Health, Co-Leader, Cancer Epidemiology Prevention and Control Program, Henry Ford Cancer Institute
    • Melissa Poulsen, PhD, MPH, Associate Professor, Dept of Population Health Sciences, Geisinger College of Health Sciences
    • Kristi Reynolds, PhD, Director, Epidemiologic Research, Kaiser Permanente Southern California
    • Rebecca C. Rossom, MD, MS, Senior Investigator, Research, HealthPartners Institute, HealthPartners
    • Katherine Sanchez, PhD, LCSW, Director, Diversity and Inclusiveness in Research, Research Investigator 3, Baylor Scott & White Health
    • Julie Schmittdiel, PhD, MA, Associate Director of Health Care Delivery and Policy and a Research Scientist at the Kaiser Permanente Northern California Division of Research
    • Claudia Steiner, MD, MPH, Executive Director, Institute for Health Research, Kaiser Permanente Colorado
    • Stephen C. Waring, DVM, PhD, FACE, Principal Scientist, Essentia Institute of Rural Health, Essentia Health, Adjunct Professor, College of Pharmacy UMN-Duluth

      HCSRN Committees


      • Annual Conference Abstract Review Committee Purpose: To provide policy and procedures for the Annual Conference Abstract Review Subcommittee and support the Annual Conference Planning Committee. Committee composition determined annually.
      • Annual Conference Awards Committee
      • Purpose: To provide policy and procedures for the Awards Committee. The Awards Committee oversees the Awards program including criteria development, call for nominations/submissions, application review and scoring and winner notification for the following awards: Early Career Investigator, Mentor of the Year, Paper of the Year, Multisite Collaborator of the Year.  Committee composition determined annually.
      • Annual Conference Planning Committee
      •  Purpose: Develop scientific programming as well as oversee logistics and other aspects of planning for the annual conference. Program content will be determined annually based on strategic initiatives and ongoing education needs of members as identified by the Governing Board.
        Leslie Hinyard, PhD, MSW (Co-Chair) Advanced HEAlth Data (AHEAD) Institute
        Ivana A Vaughn, PhD, MPH (Co-Chair) Henry Ford Health System
        Jinmyoung Cho, PhD Advanced HEAlth Data (AHEAD) Institute
        Inih Essien, OD, MPH HealthPartners
        Veronica Fitzpatrick, DrPH, MPH Advocate Aurora Research Institute
        Corinna Koebnick, MSc, PhD, FAHA Kaiser Permanente Southern California 
        Robert Penfold, PhD KP Washington Health Research Institute
        Apoorva Pradhan, MD, MPH Geisinger
        Katherine Sanchez, PhD, LCSW Baylor Scott & White
        Abdul Shour, MSP, PhD Marshfield Clinic Research Institute
        Claudia Steiner, MD, MPH Kaiser Permanente Colorado
        Ann Marie Warren, PhD Baylor Scott & White
        Kanetha B. Wilson, PhD Kaiser Permanente Georgia
      • Annual Conference Volunteer Management CommitteePurpose: To provide policy and procedures for the Volunteer Management Committee. The Volunteer Management Committee oversees the identification and scheduling of volunteers for conference registration, session room managers and other conference-related volunteer needs.Committee composition determined annually.
      • Diversity Equity and Inclusion Committee
      •  Purpose: To establish DEI initiatives and a commitment to related practices which reflect the diversity of the patients, clinicians and stakeholders served by the HCSRN. To develop an implementation plan that is inclusive of all HCSRN activities and communication platforms and is fully integrated into the strategic plan.
        Tina Davis, PhD, MPH (Chair) Kaiser Permanente Georgia
        Melissa Harry, Essentia Health
        Leslie Hinyard, PhD, MSW Advanced HEAlth Data (AHEAD) Institute
        Jana Hirschtick, PhD, MPH Advocate Aurora Research Institute
        Gwen Lapham,  PhD, MPH, MSW  
        Rebecca Rossom, MD, MS HealthPartners Institute).
        Katherine Sanchez, PhD, LCSW Baylor Scott & White
        Julie Schmittdiel, PhD, MA Kaiser Permanente Northern California Division of Research
        Jamie Thompson, MPH Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research
        Ivana Vaughn, PhD, MPH Henry Ford Health System
        Dea Papajorgji-Taylor, MPH Kaiser Permanente Northwest Center for Health Research
      • Executive Committee
         Purpose: The Executive Committee includes the Governing Board Chairperson, Chairperson-Elect, Immediate Past Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary. The Executive Director participates in an ex officio capacity. The Executive Committee prioritize issues that the Executive Committee needs to address in partnership with the Executive Director, reports monthly to the Governing Board, drives Executive Committee business and discussions between formal monthly calls to move work forward, and guides the Governing Board’s strategic vision in collaboration with the Executive Director. See above under Executive Committee tab.
      • Finance Committee 
      • Purpose: The Finance Committee is a standing three-person committee of the Board chaired by the Treasurer. The Committee meets quarterly to prepare and recommend a yearly budget to the Board. In addition to Budget development, the Finance Committee advises the Executive Director on finance decisions related to the HCSRN and reports to the HCSRN Governing Board on a quarterly basis. Committee members include Leslie Hinyard, PhD, MPH,( Advanced HEAlth Data (AHEAD) Institute),  Kristi Reynolds, PhD (Kaiser Permanente Southern California) and Rebecca Rossom, MD, MS, (HealthPartners Institute).
      • Commercially Supported Symposia Committee
      • Membership Committee
        Julie Schmittdiel, PhD, MA (Co-Chair) Kaiser Permanente Northern California Division of Research
        Stephanie Hooker, PhD, MPH (Co-Chair) HealthPartners Institute
        Veronica Fitzpatrick, DrPH, MPH Advocate Aurora Research Institute
        Suzanne Gillespie, MA, MS Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research
        Yonah Karp Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute
        Rita Mangione-Smith, MD, MPH Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute

      HCSRN Task Forces


      • Path Forward Task Force
        Purpose: To determine HCSRN’s “path forward” as it relates to defining “who” is HCSRN, what are HCSRN’s greatest assets and the appropriate messaging regarding HCSRN membership.



      • Suzanne Simons, MS, Executive Director
      • Karen Miles, CAE, CMP Deputy Executive Director

      Our Values

      Scientific excellence

      Innovation & Creativity

      Actionable research findings

      Collaboration & teamwork


